Kirana Calculator - Weight Pri1.5.1 - Get APK
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Publisher Description
Kirana Calculator - Weight Pri -
Calculate how much to pay or charge for given weight. The shopkeeper calculator
Kirana Calculator calculates correct weight for the given price and correct price for the given weight both at the same time. For instance, if you want to buy any stuff 100 gram and its per kilo price is 220 then This app gives you correct price of 100 gram stuff and correct weight of price 100.
Its a shopkeeper calculator and customer calculator.
Many peoples go to market and face trouble to do this type of calculation quickly. Local shopkeeper takes advantage of this weakness. You can be cheated easily by local shopkeepers. This app gives you correct price of given weight and correct weight of given price according to per kilo price of any stuff. Now This app available in English, Hindi and Marathi Language.
Often shopkeeper and customer confuse in how much to pay or charge for specific weight and this results in losses, ether for customer or shopkeeper
Using this app confusion avoided and get correct amount for weight.
This is simple user friendly application and give instant result without clicking which save time.